Building lead core seismic isolation bearing

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  • 鉛芯隔震支座(橋梁用).png
  • 建築隔震橡膠支座(通用産品)1.png


Seismic isolation performance of buildings


Our building seismic isolation products have been successfully applied to various construction projects as early as the 1990s, such as Qingdao Linghai Hot Spring Hotel, Qufu gymnasium and Nanjing Olympic Sports Center. In recent years, our products have been successfully applied to the "national earthquake resistant building observation and demonstration site" - Tangshan Xinhua cultural square, Beijing Tianjin Intercity yujiabao station building, Jilin Songyuan hot spring city commercial and residential community project, Tianjin Ecological City 12-year school, Langfang Dachang St. Raphael town commercial and residential community project, Langfang Dachang World Trade City, Xichang drug treatment center, Xichang yueqionghai commercial and residential community project, Xinjiang Bachu No. 4 middle school, Jiashi aketon primary school Shule yingerlike Township Middle School and other construction projects. At the beginning of the new year in 2022, the good news came that xiong'an New District won the bid for Rongxi middle school project and Xinjiang won the bid for Kashi No. 6 middle school project!


Introduction of building seismic isolation products - seismic isolation products


Product introduction

The building isolation rubber bearing is composed of multi-layer rubber and multi-layer steel plates alternately stacked and combined. The products are divided into natural rubber bearing (code LNR), lead rubber bearing (code LRB) and high damping rubber bearing (code HDR). Building isolation rubber bearings are widely used because of their simple structure, large vertical stiffness and low horizontal stiffness, which can effectively reduce the horizontal natural vibration period of isolated buildings and reduce the horizontal force of earthquakes.


Capacity of our company

Our company can produce 25 sets of vulcanizing equipment for building isolation rubber bearings with a diameter of 600 and above, including 15 sets of products with a diameter of 900 and above; The maximum vulcanizer parameters are: vertical pressure 30mn, vulcanization hot plate area 2.4m times 2.4m.

At present, the largest specifications of the products that can be produced are lnr1500 and lrb1500. Larger specifications need professional customization. The average daily production capacity is about 80 sets.