The company was awarded the municipal model enterprise with harmonious labor relations

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In order to implement the spirit of the national and provincial advanced commendation Conference on building harmonious labor relations, promote the in-depth development of the activities of model enterprises with harmonious labor relations in our city, select and promote a number of advanced models for building harmonious labor relations in the city.

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Hengxiang technology was listed as the demonstration base of social science popularization in Hengshui City

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Recently, in the list of "Hengshui social science popularization demonstration base" published by the Hengshui Social Science Association, Hengxiang science and technology was listed on the list. This selection was strictly reviewed and assessed by experts and on-the-spot investigation, and finally passed the review. It is of great significance. Also obtained in the same batch: Gucheng County Canal Culture Exhibition Hall, Jingzhou celebrity hall, Hengshui Laobaigan wine culture museum, etc.   始建于1954年的衡橡科技股份有限公司,深耕工程建設近70年,以“科技興企、創新發展”作為戰略指引,催生并帶動了衡水橡膠産業的發展和中國工程橡膠制造基地的興起。公司展廳布局分三個主版塊(文化科技展廳、榮譽展室、平原槍聲展覽室)全面展示衡橡文化與傳承,同時也展現出中國工程橡膠産業轉型升級的铿锵步伐。

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Hengxiang technology establishes women's Federation

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At 4:00 p.m. on December 30, 2020, the first women's Congress of Hengxiang Technology Co., Ltd. and the founding meeting of the women's Federation were grandly held in the conference room on the 10th floor. Ren Luan, vice chairman of the women's Federation of the high tech Zone, Zhang Shaoxia, chairman of the women's Federation of the material Park, Tian Jiande, Secretary of the Party committee of the company, and Wang Xilai, deputy secretary of the company, attended the meeting and sat on the rostrum. More than 30 women representatives from various departments and branches also attended the conference.   會議由黨辦室主任時争豔主持,她首先歡迎各位領導和同志們參加公司婦女大會,并報告本次大會應到代表人數30名,實到28名,符合大會規定,可以開會。在雄壯的國歌聲中,全體起立,大會正式開始。本次大會分為六項議程,首先由材料園婦聯主席張少霞宣讀高新區婦聯關于《衡橡科技股份有限公司關于建立婦聯組織的申請》批複文件;工作人員對候選人基本情況做了簡要介紹,

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High tech Zone Trade Union "cool in summer" enters Hengxiang Technology

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Under the leadership of the company's Party committee and the superior trade union, with the support of the company's board of directors and the cooperation of various departments, Hengxiang science and technology trade union has closely focused on the company's strategy of "invigorating the enterprise through science and technology and innovating and developing", performed creative work in the construction, participation, cohesion, education and rights protection functions of the trade union, Build a warm family in Hengxiang.

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Our company participated in the "safety knowledge competition" of Jizhi meeting - Hengxiang science and technology team won the first prize and the second prize respectively

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On the morning of August 15, 2020, the "China Railway Construction Cup" safety knowledge competition sponsored by Hebei engineering facilities and equipment quality promotion association and Hebei Engineering rubber industry technology innovation strategic alliance was held in the report hall on the 9th floor of China railway construction.

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The theme salon activity of jizhihui was held in our company to show and exchange Hengxiang science and technology culture

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On the morning of May 16, 2020, the first phase of the theme salon activity of "building enterprise culture and condensing enterprise soul" - Hengxiang science and technology culture exhibition and exchange conference was held in the conference room on the 10th floor of Hengxiang science and technology.

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The first Council of Hebei engineering facilities and equipment quality promotion association in 2020 was held in Hengxiang science and Technology Co., Ltd

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On March 25, 2020, the first Council of Hebei engineering facilities and equipment quality promotion association in 2020 was held in the conference room on the ninth floor of Hengxiang Technology Co., Ltd.

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