Company Spirit


One, the interpretation of the Heng Oak logo

  The overall shape of the logo is stable, rigorous, united, and orderly, exuding a stable and reliable, industry-leading temperament.

  The shape of the outer circle is the embodiment of Heng Oak's tolerance, broadness, and strong sense of social responsibility. The quality of long-term trust and lasting protection is fully demonstrated.

  The folded figure is like a bridge. It is a monument that Heng Oak people have studied for decades and focused on the continuity.

  The composition of the sign seeks change in the constant, simple but not single, stable but not boring. The graphics are criss-crossed, but they are clear, unobstructed, and pun intended:

  It not only represents Heng Oak's clear and rigorous system, humanized management, and scientific and complete quality inspection system; it also shows Heng Oak's 60 years of dedication and determination.

  The center of the gathering is the strong cohesion and centripetal force of the Heng Oak team, and the united, close and orderly team style.

  The edge of divergence is Heng Oak's professional spirit of courage to innovate, continuous exploration and pursuit of excellence.

  Blue represents technology, high-end and modernization; it means focus, persistence, responsibility and responsibility.

  The combination of blue and dark blue on this basis exudes a stable, trustworthy, and strong quality.

  Appearance of calm comes from self-confidence in the profession.

  The trust of the outside world comes from Heng Oak's strong sense of social responsibility and dedication.

  The design of standard characters is also robust, exquisite, and full of modernity. Combined with the logo image, they are simple and elegant, and complement each other.


Two, Heng Oak's development strategy

  Invigorating enterprises through science and technology


Thrree, Heng Oak's corporate goals

  Become a trusted and socially respected, most valuable and internationally influential rubber and machinery company.


Four, Heng Oak's corporate spirit

  Solidarity and pragmatic dedication


Five, the common aspirations of Heng Oaks

  Do our best to meet customer needs, serve the community and benefit the people.


Six, The core of Heng Oak's corporate culture

  Harmonious symbiosis, innovative development


Seven, Heng Oak's management foundation

  Employees are the capital of an enterprise, talents are the life of an enterprise, and customers are the gods of an enterprise.


Eight, Heng Oak's corporate policy

  Facing the market and promoting technological progress

  Winning by quality, achieving industry leadership

  Integrity and commitment to ensure customer satisfaction


Nine, the principle of human life

  Three no: do not compete with leaders, do not compete with subordinates, do not compete with colleagues for profit.

  Four services: subordinates obey the superiors, individual obey the team, everyone obey the system, and interests obey the integrity.

  Five hearts: Modesty, patience, love, confidence, sincerity

  Six self: self-esteem (self-respect), self-love (self-care), spontaneous (self-development), self-excitation (self-incentive), self-control (self-control), self-reflection (self-reflection)


TenHeng Oak's Talent View

  The sage is up, the wise is side, the capable is centered, and the average is down


Eleven, Heng Oak's work style: strict, clear, practical, fast

  Strict: strict standards, due diligence, compliance with laws and regulations, self-transcendence

  Ming: clear goals, clear responsibilities, information sharing, transparent management

  Truth: Less talk, more practical, realistic, practical results

  Fast: strengthen collaboration, optimize processes, respond quickly, and be popular


TwelveHeng Oak's work concept

  Attitude to work is practical, quality of work is the pursuit of excellence, and work goals repay the society.