Beijing Shanghai high speed railway - high speed railway support

The picture shows the Nanjing Dashengguan Yangtze River Bridge on the Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway, which is known as the "first bridge" on the Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway. The Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway under construction is the world's first high-speed passenger trunk line with the highest speed and longest mileage. It was started in April 2008 and opened to traffic in 2012. The construction of the high-speed railway has shortened the direct time from Beijing to Shanghai to 5 hours, which is about half of the operation time of the current Beijing Shanghai EMU. In November 2008, in the procurement bidding of bridge bearings for Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway, our company won the bid for more than 200 million bridge bearings and became one of the important construction units of the project.

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Lhasa River Super Large Bridge - cast steel hinge bearing

The Qinghai Tibet railway, which has attracted the world's attention, is the plateau railway with the highest altitude and the longest line in the world. It has many special requirements for engineering construction, especially for the frozen soil layer. The requirements for bridge bearings are higher and more special. It has not only attracted the attention of the whole country at home, but also caused great repercussions overseas.

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Beijing Tianjin Intercity Passenger Dedicated Line - height adjustment support

This is the first quasi high-speed railway with completely independent intellectual property rights in China. It stands at the forefront of the world's high-speed railway in many aspects, such as energy conservation and environmental protection, operating speed and comfort, and has become a "national business card" that shows the strength of independent innovation. On this railway line, our company's authorized new product, TGPZ special height adjustment bearing for passenger dedicated line, has 150 million yuan applied to this project.

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Shantou Bay Bridge XF bridge expansion device

In 1994, in the international bidding for the construction and procurement of Shantou Bay Bridge, our company developed the first XF Ⅱ - 160 bridge expansion device in China, which beat the international giants and won the bid for the first time in China. It ended the history of relying on imports for large-scale bridge expansion devices in China and opened a new historical era for the independent production of this industry in China. In the past 15 years, the bridge is still shining, and the bridge expansion device has also been developed by leaps and bounds in our country. At that time, President Jiang Zemin personally wrote the name of the bridge, personally went to the site to attend the foundation laying ceremony and personally activated the start button.

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商杭高速鐵路 喜中億萬大單


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年份:2012<br /> 産品:T型梁橫向連接用預應力鋼棒

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年份:2010<br /> 産品:橋梁支座和軌道闆用預應力鋼棒

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