Party Building News

District leaders came to express condolences to provincial model workers

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On January 20, Han Liansheng, deputy director of the Management Committee of the high tech Zone, and Cui Xiaoming, director of the party Mass Work Department, came to our company to express condolences to Li Jinbao, a provincial model worker. Wang Xilai, deputy secretary of the Party committee of the company, Su Jianqiang, director of the general office, and Shi Zhengyan, director of the Party committee office, accompanied the condolences.

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"Send thousands of blessings and enter thousands of homes" calligraphy to celebrate the new year

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On the morning of January 18, the calligraphy public welfare activity of "sending ten thousand blessings and entering ten thousand homes" organized by Hengshui Federation of trade unions and Hengshui Federation of literary and art circles entered Hengxiang science and technology and was held at the party mass activity center on the 10th floor of the office building.

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Party joining activists from municipal units come to visit and learn

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On the morning of December 9, 2021, more than 30 party joining activists from the four Party committees directly under Hengshui City, led by the relevant leaders of the Organization Department of the municipal Party committee, visited Hengxiang science and technology. Shi Zhengyan, director of the company's Party committee office, received and explained.

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The old commander of Hengshui military division went to Hengxiang science and technology to give a party lesson

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A few days ago, Hengshui evening news and Hengshui TV reported that Wang chunman, former commander of Hengshui military sub district (94 years old, deputy military level treatment) and Li Zhenhua, director of Hengshui military sub district cadre Rest Center, led more than 20 retired military cadres and their families to our company to visit the red enterprise culture exhibition.

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